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Best prices when booking at the hotel
Best prices when booking at the hotel
Best prices when booking at the hotel

Online bookings at ★★★★ Hotel Schröckerhof

If you click on this area of the online booking module, personal data will be sent to Weratech, our service provider for online bookings. In the case of a room booking, it is essential to collect the data, as this is necessary for the processing of your booking and the provision of your booked service for Hotel Schröckerhof. Privacy Policy

Do you have any questions? We are at your disposal via our contact form!

Our Tip: Travel Cancellation Insurance:

Europäische Reiseversicherung
Europäische Reiseversicherung

Especially in times like these, we recommend to take out a travel cancellation insurance. The „Europäische Reiseversicherung“ offers a cancellation cover despite pandemic status also in case of COVID-19 illness: "Hotelstorno-Plus"

General terms and conditions: In all other respects, the Austrian hotel contract conditions are deemed to have been agreed.

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