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Arrival and Location ★★★★ Hotel Schröckerhof

Holidays as from the book in Styria

Location Hotel Schröckerhof in Austria

Travel in from Germany / Salzburg

  • Via the autobahn from Munich-Salzburg, Tauern autobahn to Eben, then on the Ennstal highway (B 320).
  • At the JET petrol station, turn to the right - in direction Fastenberg - and follow the Planaistraße until the first tunnel. Before the tunnel, change direction to the left and reach Hotel Schröckerhof.

Travel in from Graz / Vienna

    • A9 Pyhrn autobahn to Liezen, then via the Ennstal highway (B 320).
    • Before the JET petrol station in Schladming, turn off in the direction of Fastenberg and stay on Planaistraße until you reach Hotel Schröckerhof.
    We are providing a charging station for our guests with electric vehicles!

Travel by train

  • next train station: Schladming
  • timetable information:
  • Travel by train: find more details here
  • When arriving by train, we are happy to organise a taxi (against fee) from the train station for you, but we ask for timely arrangement and advance notice!

Travel by plane

  • nearest airport: Salzburg Airport 90 km
  • other airports: Linz 160 km - Graz 180 km - Vienna 300 km - Munich 260 km

    Hotel Schröckerhof
    Fam. Heinz and Inge Schütter
    Brandweg 20
    8971 Schladming / Fastenberg

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