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Best prices when booking at the hotel
Best prices when booking at the hotel

Prices and Holiday Package Offers

Are you looking for a unique holiday away from traffic and in a quiet location? A time out at 4-star Hotel Schröckerhof is just the right thing for you and your family - we look forward to seeing you!

Winter Holidays in Schladming

Winter Holiday Offers

Ski packages at a good value for your ski vacation in Schladming, Planai. Directly at the slopes, fantastic panoramic view, ski pass available in the hotel and included in ski offers, half-board, wellness. Your winter vacation in Schladming is waiting!

Winter Holidays in Schladming

Individual Winter Prices

Room rates for your ski vacation or winter vacation in Schladming-Dachstein on the Planai, in the 4-star Hotel Schröckerhof. Half-board and well­ness included, ski slope all the way down to the hotel! Ski pass avai­lable at the hotel for an additional charge.

Summer Holidays in Schladming

Summer Holiday Offers

Great summer vacation offers and packages for your vacat­ion in a 4* hotel: hiking, biking, swimming, golf, ... Picturesque panoramic view, Sommercard included, half-board, wellness, hotel-own natural swimming pond. Summer fresh-ness like back then!

Summer Holidays in Schladming

Individual Summer Prices

Summer vacation in the mountains - your 4-star short vacation or week vacation (in double rooms or family suites) in Schladming is waiting for you! Schladming-Dachstein Sommer­card, half-board, wellness, hotel's own natural swim­ming pond included!

We accept debit cards, Visa and Mastercard as well as cash payments.

Our Tip: Travel Cancellation Insurance:

Europäische Reiseversicherung

We recommend to take out a travel cancellation insurance by the „Europäische Reiseversicherung“ which is called "Hotelstorno-Plus".

General terms and conditions: In all other respects, the Austrian hotel contract conditions are deemed to have been agreed.

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